Making Democracy One's Own: Muslim, Catholic and Secular Perspectives in Dialogue on Democracy, Development and Peace

Location: Rome Global Gateway

May 30 - June 1st, 2016

Interreligious Dialogue and Democratic Engagement seeks to integrate new work on Catholic and Muslim politics within an interreligious dialogue perspective. In doing so, the conference seeks to theorize recent evolutions in Catholic, Muslim and secular projects of democratic modernity in the Mediterranean region and beyond. 

By embracing this theme, and holding the conference in Rome, Interreligious Dialogue and Democratic Engagement aims to take advantage of the unique religious, diplomatic and cross-Mediterranean resources of the city of Rome and bring into conversation three major stakeholders of global religious-political interactions: 
1) Scholars and practitioners of Islamic and Catholic inspired democratic politics. 
2) Theologians, religious authorities and practitioners of Muslim-Catholic dialogue. 
3) Foreign policy makers and analysts focusing on engaging religious communities abroad and/or responding to religiously inspired extremism.