News » Archives » August 2016

Notre Dame to dedicate new center in Connemara, Ireland

The new Notre Dame Center at Kylemore Abbey in Connemara, County Galway, Ireland, will be dedicated on Aug. 25 (Thursday) with a Mass in the abbey’s Gothic Chapel, an academic convocation and a blessing of the center’s headquarters in Kylemore’s Saint Joseph Hall.

Notre Dame Partnership Widens Research Enterprise

The University of Notre Dame Eck Institute for Global Health has partnered with AIDS Free World, an international advocacy organization, to address health problems affecting the global poor.

Arts and Letters Junior Helps Abandoned Children in China

Arts and Letter junior Emily Vincent discovered Chunmiao Little Flower on a service trip during high school in 2013. There, she learned the extent of China’s issue with orphaned and abandoned children. There are an estimated 600,000 abandoned children in China—98 percent of whom have disabilities. That first experience set...