University of Notre Dame strengthens global partnership with Dulwich College Beijing

Author: Yin Yang, Beijing Global Gateway

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On December 8, 2023, the University of Notre Dame hosted a special event in partnership with Dulwich College Beijing (DCB). The event featured Notre Dame Professor Eva Dziadula, renowned expert in economics, who gave two presentations to more than 400 DCB students.

The first session reflected on Dziadula’s research areas with a focused theme on discussing the responsibilities of being a global citizen in research and the impact of global research. In the second session, Dziadual met with DCB economics students from year 12 and shared not only the “how” to conduct research and the intricacies of her research in migration choices, but also her own immigrant story.

”It was a privilege to share my work and experience with students who are motivated to change the world. My goal was to inspire their curiosity and to help them see research as a compelling tool that informs policy. I enjoyed spending the time at Dulwich and I was impressed by the students’ energy and their thoughtful questions. I can’t wait to see some of them on Notre Dame’s campus!”

Jingyu Wang, executive director of Notre Dame Beijing Global Gateway, joined Dziadula for this visit.

"Professor Dziadula's immigrant story and the stories behind her research were powerful,” says Wang.

“ It made us reflect not just on the academic aspects but also on the broader implications and the human side of the issues she studies."

“I am so happy that we can take these opportunities and insights from South Bend to our Notre Dame global partners to foster education for the global citizens," concludes Wang.

Learn more about initiatives at the Beijing Global Gateway.

Beijing Dulwich Cropped
Dr. Dziadula pictured with BGG, Dulwich staff

Originally published by Yin Yang, Beijing Global Gateway at on January 22, 2024.