Haleigh Pace

Email: hpace2@nd.edu

Why did you opt to serve as a Senior Fellow for Internationalization?

During my time at Notre Dame, I have participated in two study abroad programs: the Dublin Summer Program and Fremantle Semester Program. Both of these programs rank among my fondest, most meaningful memories of my Notre Dame experience. I credit many of my positive memories to the welcoming faces there to help in each location. I chose to serve as a Senior Fellow for Internationalization to be a similarly welcoming face here at Notre Dame.

Talk about your international experiences and why they are important. How have they served you (academically, personally, professionally, etc).

As previously mentioned, I have done two study abroad programs while at Notre Dame. In addition to personal travel, these experiences have been incredibly profound in shaping my understanding of the world and fostering a sense of independence. From climbing mountains in Ireland to driving through the Australian bush, international experiences have allowed me to see the various ways in which people live and thrive in diverse environments with distinct cultures and values. While some of these values I have simply observed, others I have adopted into my own life. This acquisition of diverse perspectives and beliefs is what I feel to be the most important aspect of international experiences.

Why do you think it's important to focus on internationalization at the University of Notre Dame?

Notre Dame attracts students from across the country and the globe bringing together a student body with a wide range of experiences. This microcosm of the larger world allows students to enrich their education by building interpersonal relationships with peers from a variety of locations. Internationalization on the Notre Dame campus is valuable as it promotes an environment of learning about others both now and in the future.