Lily Storrs


Why did you opt to serve as a Senior Fellow for Internationalization?

I am very excited to serve as a Senior Fellow for Internationalization to promote a compassionate, impactful international discourse within our Notre Dame community and beyond. I have been very fortunate to have had many international experiences with Notre Dame and I am eager to share the transformative lessons I’ve learned and encourage others to discover some of their own. I want to help connect students to the plethora of resources that Notre Dame offers to support internationalization. By supporting international students and encouraging our current students to pursue global opportunities, we can create an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and nurtures a global perspective. Please don’t hesitate to talk more about internationalization!

Talk about your international experiences and why they are important. How have they served you (academically, personally, professionally, etc).

I have been very fortunate to have studied and explored various cultures and countries around the world. During my time at Notre Dame, I conducted independent research on gender equality promotion in Rwanda, enhanced my French language skills in France, consulted for township entrepreneurs in South Africa, have worked with a women’s vocational school in Uganda, and have consulted with a peacebuilding school in South Sudan. Through all of these experiences, I have been lucky to build positive relationships through all of them.

I have been able to build connections and gain experience in areas I am passionate about, such as gender equality promotion and economic development. These international experiences enriched my education beyond the classroom. They provided me with a unique perspective on global issues, which has proven invaluable in my studies and research. Moreover, witnessing the intricacies of different cultures has expanded my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling me to approach challenges with a broader mindset, and expanded my perspective of the possibilities for the future.

Why do you think it's important to focus on internationalization at the University of Notre Dame?

Notre Dame prides itself in fostering a global community which promotes engaging in international discourse. Expanding our social discourse and communities beyond students and faculty of the same race, religion, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and culture is vital to challenging harmful discourse. Internationalization provides the opportunity to challenge us to reevaluate our preconceived notions of other cultures and builds stronger human connection. With internationalization, we can develop a more hopeful vision for the future of what we can bring to our own communities and South Bend, as well as beyond.