Global Roundtable Series

Notre Dame International's (NDI) new series of virtual events is dedicated to internationalizing conversations and introducing diverse perspectives. NDI’s Global Roundtable Series will partner with various departments and institutes across campus, as well as feature leaders from partner universities and institutions around the world.

The series is an important way for NDI to realize its mission, particularly while international travel is less feasible. The overarching objective is to internationalize conversations on issues of vital importance in ways that enliven our Catholic mission, highlight Notre Dame's global reach, promote a comparative perspective on common challenges, and spark ideas for research and service that address such challenges.

Sign Up

If you are interested to learn about upcoming lectures in this series, sign up for the NDI Global Roundtable Series mailing list.

April 15, 2021 - Home under the Dome: Notre Dame's Engagement with the International Student Community on Campus and Beyond

This roundtable will focus on Notre Dame’s current engagement with the international student community, at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Our graduate and undergraduate representatives will speak about their experiences at Notre Dame and their engagement with the community. The discussion will highlight Notre Dame’s commitment to internationalization as well as inform the community where we go from here.

 Global Rountable Series Web

October 16, 2020 - Domestic Violence: Empowerment and Community Intervention - Perspectives from India, Mexico and the United States during this time of COVID

The roundtable focuses on domestic violence. With indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic that all types of violence against women, particularly domestic violence, have increased and intensified, the United Nations has called  this a “shadow pandemic.”

 Global Rountable Series Web

July 16, 2020 - Race and Building Communities of Belonging: Perspectives from the U.S., the U.K., and Brazil

This roundtable focuses on race and social inclusion and features perspectives from three countries with long-standing and significant race issues: the U.S., the U.K., and Brazil. Among the questions addressed: What are the challenges to building communities of belonging in these three national settings? In particular, what are the special obstacles that black citizens face?

 Global Rountable Series Web

June 18, 2020 - Success and Challenges in Social Distancing: Perspectives from Brazil, Italy, & Kenya

This first roundtable focuses on social distancing. While we know that social distancing slows the spread of the coronavirus, other consequences of this public health intervention are less clear. Perspectives from Brazil, Italy, and Kenya are featured.

 Global Rountable Series Web