Ucu Campus 2

University of Notre Dame-Ukrainian Catholic University Curriculum/Course Development Grants

Proposal Submission Deadline: currently closed for applications


Submit a Proposal


The University of Notre Dame (ND), USA and Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), Ukraine are launching a program entitled the ND-UCU Curriculum/Course Development Grants. Through this jointly advertised program proposals are invited for curriculum or course development at UCU with the potential to either significantly augment a specific curriculum/program at UCU or develop a new UCU course. Grant selection for the ND-UCU Curriculum/Course Development Grant will be competitive and made jointly by ND and UCU.

Grant Awardees

Funding and Grants

  • Awards of $2,500 will be made for each new course development project (split equally between both ND and UCU faculty).
  • Awards of $5000 will be made for a curriculum development project (split equally between the ND and UCU faculty)
  • It is anticipated that there will be up to 4 Course Development grants and up to 3 Curriculum Development grants

The Notre Dame-Ukrainian Catholic University Curriculum/Course Development Grant program is contingent upon ND and UCU entering into a mutually acceptable written agreement.

Eligibility at the University of Notre Dame

Regular full-time faculty and special professional faculty of University of Notre Dame are eligible to apply. Projects which include postgraduate students are welcomed. The University of Notre Dame seeks to attract, develop, and retain the highest quality faculty, staff and administration.

Eligibility at Ukrainian Catholic University

Regular full-time faculty of the UCU are eligible to apply.

Criteria and Outcomes

Proposals for a course or curriculum development from any discipline/program taught at UCU may be submitted. Proposals, related to the following key areas are particularly welcomed with the areas and listed subthemes intended to be merely indicative rather than exhaustive:

  1. War and Resilience: Key narratives and discourses about war; its ideological justifications; its root causes; the geopolitical, national, social, economic and psychological consequence of protracted violence and deaths; security as causes or pretexts for war; migration as a response to war and as a political stabilizer or destabilizer; resilience whether it be at a national or personal level; and what makes communities and institutions resilient?
  2. Religious Dimension: The ways in which religious groups can be either objects of oppression or enlisted to provide ideological justification for a group that oppresses; the ways in which particular expressions of religion are sites of protest and resistance against war; the way in which religions can dialogue together, and contribute to justice, peace, and reconciliation between warring groups inclined to accept the moral authority of these religions.
  3. Moral and Legal: Considerations not only of the moral responsibility of major actors and sponsors of war and aggression but the collective responsibility of a group or a particular nation; laying bare the legal and extra-legal mechanisms for accountability (e.g., war crime commissions; international tribunals; reparation, truth and reconciliation committees).
  4. Integral Human Development and Sustainable Reconstruction: Societal, Technological, and Ethical Aspects: A wide ranging and open exploration of the extent to which Catholic Social Teaching can help inform ideas on reconstruction of institutions as well as how attending to the communal effects of trauma should proceed in a post-war situation; also how attention to infrastructure that attends to the dignity of each person and local communities generates social cohesion, contributes to strong institutions, and values that the larger society is prepared to live for and in the extreme to die for.

How to Apply

Proposals are to be prepared jointly and submitted by either the ND faculty member or the UCU faculty member through NDG's Online Application system.



For more information, please contact:

Geraldine Meehan
Director of Faculty Engagement
Notre Dame Global
Email: gmeehan@nd.edu
Phone: (574) 631-7742

Marianna Pyrih
Head of Research Support Office
Ukrainian Catholic University
Email: mariannapyrig@ucu.edu.ua
Phone: 097 229 49 09